Friday, February 8, 2008


I understand that the fashion industry is driven by brands. I hate it, but I understand it. I will never buy a Goyard logo-print bag, I will never buy jeans with Rs or 7s or whatever all over the pockets, and I will certainly never buy any of these:

Above: Honestly, he had to put his name on a t-shirt? What is this, Tommy Hilfiger?

Above: It's unfortunate that this had to happen, because it's such a cute look otherwise. If your initials are actually PL, I'll allow it. Otherwise: ugh.

Above: Yes, those are little "MW"s knitted into that fair isle sweater and leggings. In case we all forgot, or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's almost freaky how you've voiced out almost all of my thoughts on this dreadful NYFW.

i was scrolling through the Halston post and i was like - HEY those are the EXACT same pieces that i chose!

absolutely agreed on zac posen.