Thursday, January 17, 2008

just STOP already

We get it, Nicolas. You're a visionary, or whatever. But with this gorgeous new pre-fall collection, I feel like you're showing off a little bit. As someone in one of my favorite movies (brownie points if you can name the movie) put it, "You're like one of those people who brags because they're tall."

Honestly- how many people can fuse classic and incredibly modern, throw in a touch of whimsy, and finish it off with a really, really perfect pair of boots?

Above: Balenciaga pre-fall 2008.

It's the spring skirt and jacket silhouette, but updated in a great plaid.

And I'm telling you now like I told you before (once, twice, three times), this babushka scarf thing is for real.

Also, does anyone want to contribute to the Emily Needs These Balenciaga Boots Fund?

Above: I love the way that little touch of red contrasts with the blue. I also never thought I'd like a shrug again after the seventh grade, but I guess I was wrong. Or is that the sleeve? Does it matter?

Above: I hate (hate) that I'm thinking this, but wouldn't this look great on Ashley Olsen?

Above: Schoolgirl (nun?) chic has never been so chic.

Above: We saw a lot of lingerie inspired looks for spring (here at Derek Lam, MaxAzria, and Dior), but this dress goes beyond the boudoir, so to speak. Pretty is an incredible understatement.

(P.S. I'm serious about that boots fund thing. Monsieur Ghesquière, si vous lisez ceci, contactez-moi -- peut-être on peut arranger quelque chose...?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he's a genius. im so glad i got a chance to meet him!